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Sea Cave Trail, Lake Superior
Near Cornucopia, Wisconsin
June 7, 2003
The first "sea cave" we saw, with some strange physics happening to keep everything in stasis. Lorna looking over the safety rail they provided for the first crossing of the abyss. A funky colorized Kodak filter I used on the previous photo.
A shot of red pines growing on precipices that defy gravity. A look at the blocks that seem to want to fall to the lake. Lorna standing on the edge that her dogs didn't want to.
A rare photo of yours truly enjoying the experience. A half-assed photo look of what the whole "sea cave" thing was about.  An interesting look at the precarious lives of South Shore red pine trees.

A trails-end wide-angle hiking shot that I never thought would capture what the maple forest really looked like, but actually did. It looks cool here, too.

Copyright © 2003 Tony Rogers