Tony Rogers



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2004 New Years' Weekend
Up in the north country with friends. Steve & Linda, Brian, Jeff & Joette, Andy & Gwen, Ben & Tami, and yours truly (solo).
Andy and Jeff
Brian and Joette
Gwen, Andy, Linda and Jeff
Andy and Brian, proving coldness...
Tami, Ben and Andy
Tony, Ben and Tami
Jeff with The Hat
Tony and Steve lay down a claim!
Tami samples the late-night meatballs...
Tony explains Life, Liberty and the Pursuit...
Andy, Brian and Steve present...
Brian standing tall...
Jeff wizzin...
Payback. They caught me wizzin too...
Tami & Ben & Linda down the main XC Trail
Steve making sure we all stay together...
Ben & Linda hit this falldown first, and Steve came up to help clear it. Tami was having fun waiting for the tree to be removed.
Steve and Ben cruised out on the lake.
Tami and Linda relaxed.
Steve & Ben went out long and tested the different ice at the base of the far shore.
Tami had fun.
Ben showed a bit of ice in his beard.
Tony got a photo of him from Ben.
Steve & Linda
Tami almost taking a spill...
Ben almost taking a spill...
Ben almost taking a spill...
A Pine Marten grabbing some of our food.
The "Money" shot of the Pine Marten
It was a juvenile, and needed help figuring out how to get to our frozen scraps.
Amazing little animal.
Steve throwing snow on Sunday morning.
We had about 5 inches.
Ben starting the Toyota
Steve on his new John Deere.
Steve on his new John Deere.
Steve on his new John Deere.
Steve on his new John Deere.
Ben pulling backup snowblower duty.
Jeff brushing off Steve.
Steve caught some ice on the beard...
Sunset upon leaving.
I just picture a moose, bored, smoking a cigar, waiting for a car to drive by with a camera...
Spindrift snow on the slope
down to Grand Marais.
Spindrift snow on the slope
down to Grand Marais.
Grand Marais Beach.
Grand Marais Beach.
Grand Marais Beach.
Grand Marais Beach.
Grand Marais Beach.
Grand Marais Beach.
Grand Marais Beach.
Grand Marais Beach.
Grand Marais Beach.
Grand Marais Beach. Navigation Links

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